Strategy & Execution
Refine your strategy to take full advantage of the unique capabilities within the organisation that will generate the greatest competitive advantage

Strategy & Execution

Rebase can assist companies to refine their strategy to take full advantage of the unique capabilities within the organisation that will generate the greatest competitive advantage. The strategy will outline the vision and objectives of the organisation and provide insight into key markets, products, clients, staff and financial goals. In order to make the strategy a reality we can help you to create an implementation plan that will prioritise the right projects, identify the right people and allocate the right resources to execute the plan successfully.

Strategy & Planning

For many organisations the strategic planning cycle is an annual event that is intrinsically linked to the budgeting process. As a result the focus is often on next year’s bottom line with hours spent fine-tuning spreadsheets and little time given to strategic decisions about where to play and how to win.

Rebase can help you to structure and align your strategic and financial planning processes and develop a framework that will open up debate around key strategic issues. In an environment where capacity is already stretched and resources are chronically scarce the strategic plan must focus on prioritising the right investments and leveraging existing capabilities and talent to create the greatest long term returns.

Value Proposition

Today’s high net worth individuals are demanding greater value from their wealth advisors so it is essential that your value proposition defines the unique benefits your organisation can deliver to clients. It must consider the needs of your target market and provide high quality products and services that will set you apart from your competitors.

Rebase can provide an independent assessment of your value proposition that will include an evaluation of how effectively your products and solutions meet the needs of your clients compared to your competitors. We will identify gaps or opportunities that may exist across the portfolio or on a standalone product basis. We can also help to develop innovative new products or enhancements designed to meet the needs of your target market faster and more cost effectively than your competitors. Alternatively we can identify the right strategic partners who will enable you to deliver a genuinely unique client experience.

Market Entry

Entry into new markets is a fundamental growth strategy for many industries. The shift in wealth demographics towards emerging markets presents potential new openings for wealth management and a key strategic decision is how best to capitalize on these new market opportunities.

Rebase can help you assess the relative attractiveness of new markets by providing independent research into the market size, maturity, growth potential, competitor capability and regulatory landscape. We will assess opportunities and risks and make recommendations on preferred markets, value proposition suitability, launch and positioning strategy.

Acquisitions & Integration

The recent trend of mergers and acquisitions in the global wealth management industry is likely to continue in the wake of spiralling costs, uncertain markets and increased regulation. Some firms are looking to exit non-core clients and markets while others are looking at ways to enter new markets or achieve scale in existing markets that will enable them to compete.

Rebase can help you to define your acquisition/disposal strategy, realistically assess the value it will create and identify a shortlist of targets. Post-transaction we can help you with integration planning across different work streams: clients, people, operations and technology to deliver maximum benefit and value.

Onshore – Offshore Wealth Management

There are many non-tax reasons why highly regulated offshore centres remain attractive to high net worth individuals. Investing offshore can enhance returns by opening access to different geographical regions, market sectors, asset classes and currencies. Offshore trusts are ideal for estate planning purposes to ease the transfer of wealth to the next generation and offshore banks offer multi-currency transactional banking, saving and lending facilities.

Depending on geographic footprint, capability, risk appetite and client preference there are a number of relationship management models and strategies for you to choose from. Rebase can help you to design the right onshore – offshore strategy and operating model for your clients that will deliver maximum returns. This could be stand alone, joint venture, fully integrated or a combination of the above tailored specifically to the target market or segment.

Programme Management

Most organisations have too many projects and too little time, money and resources. Competing projects might range from acquisitions to product launches, new markets and new distribution channels to systems implementations and process improvement, the list goes on. Mandatory projects appear from nowhere and are expected to be absorbed. The end result being that most projects go over time, over budget and only deliver a fraction of the potential benefits.

Rebase can help companies to assess the costs, benefits and risks of all projects and then prioritise the ones that on balance offer the highest returns within the available cost/resource budget. We can help you to create and coordinate a balanced portfolio of discretionary and mandatory projects that are fully aligned to the company strategy and optimise payback, risk and reward.